A multi-vehicle car crash in Strathmerton, Victoria, has resulted in the deaths of five people, making it the deadliest on the state’s roads in 11 years.
According to The Age, Christopher Dillon Joannidis, aged 29, was driving a white Mercedes when he was pulled over before the accident for speeding in Yarroweyah on Thursday, April 20.
The crash occurred two kilometres away when Mr Joannidis’ car collided with a ute, causing it to hit an oncoming truck near the New South Wales border.
Police allege that Mr Joannidis was travelling at 118km/h in a 100km/h zone and have charged him with five counts of dangerous driving causing death after he admitted to being the driver of the Mercedes.
Due to the severe damage caused by the crash, disaster victim identification experts and the police search-and-rescue team were called in to determine the number of victims.

The victims included a woman in her 60s who was transporting four passengers in their 20s to their home from work at a local abattoir.
Mr Joannidis allegedly admitted to police that he had smoked cannabis at least one day prior to being pulled over for speeding. Forensic testing is still pending to determine whether he had drugs in his system at the time of the crash.
Mr Joannidis’ 20-year-old partner, who was in the Mercedes, was hospitalised with minor injuries.
Mr Joannidis was released on bail following a brief hearing on Friday.
Source: The Age