County Court Judge Andrea Tsalamandris has been appointed as a new Judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria, the state government announced this week.
Justice Tsalamandris was one of two new appointments, with Her Honour Judge Meryl Sexton also being named the first-ever Deputy Chief Judge of the County Court.

Justice Tsalamandris brings more than 20 years of legal experience to her new role, with the past six years serving as a Judge in the County Court, and most recently Head of the Common Law Division.
She began her career in law in 1994 as a Solicitor at Holding Redlich and Adviceline Injury Lawyers, before working her way up to a Senior Associate in 1997 and making partner in 2002.
Justice Tsalamandris will become only the third solicitor ever appointed to the Supreme Court in Victoria’s history.
Victoria’s Attorney-General, Jaclyn Symes, has welcomed the appointment.
“Justice Tsalamandris and Judge Sexton bring decades of experience to their roles, and I look forward to their ongoing contributions to Victoria’s justice system,” the Attorney-General said.
Source: Mirage News.