Family hardship inspires Nick Xenophon to run for Senate again


More than four years after he quit federal politics to make an unsuccessful run for South Australian state politics, Nick Xenophon has announced he will run for the Senate at the upcoming federal election.

“I can no longer sit on the sidelines. Incredibly, it’s gotten worse in Canberra. It’s nastier, full of hatred and bile that eats away at our nation’s core,” Mr Xenophon said in a video posted to a newly created website.

“I must come back, to call them out and to speak out on the issues that have to be tackled.”

According to The Age, if Mr Xenophon is elected he would like to see action on improving aged care, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), and increasing the number of Australian manufacturing jobs.

This reignited passion for change and focus on improving aged care comes after Mr Xenophon has had to personally navigate the aged care system over the last few years. His father is currently in a nursing home and his mother will remain in home care for as long as possible.

“Having to navigate the aged-care system is an absolute eye opener,” he told The New Daily.

Mr Xenophon’s announcement throws into doubt his former party member Rex Patrick’s chances of retaining his Senate seat in the May federal election.

READ MORE: Nick Xenophon is a step closer to taking ugg boot legal battle to US Supreme Court.

Source: The Age and The New Daily.




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