Three Australians of Greek heritage exposed as convicted child sexual offenders in SA


South Australia’s convicted child sexual offenders have been exposed in a second-annual database by The Advertiser.

The SA-based publication released the database as support grows around Australia for a national and publicly-accessible sexual offenders register.

Among The Advertiser‘s list are three Australians of Greek heritage in South Australia. They are:

  • George Parker Manousakis: The 29-year-old was convicted of unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under 14 years x 2, receiving five years, with three years non-parole.
  • Alexandros Sitaras: The 35-year-old was convicted of aggravated communicating with the intention of making a child amenable to sexual activity, receiving a three-year good behaviour bond.
  • Steven Despotakis: The 25-year-old was convicted of possessing child exploitation material, receiving 22 months home detention and an eight-month non-parole period.

Through The Advertiser’s dedicated topic page, which subscribers can follow via a regularly updated chart, readers will be able to keep track of cases covered by the publication’s court reporting team.

The list includes convicted offenders’ names, ages, suburbs, offences and sentences, provided all information is in the public arena and not otherwise suppressed.

Source: Adelaide Now




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