Greece bids farewell to WWII resistance icon, Manolis Glezos, in silent funeral


Greek resistance hero and politician, Manolis Glezos, was laid to rest in Athens on Wednesday with only nine people in attendance due to restrictions to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

The funeral took place in the presence of only his wife, the couple’s two children and their wives, and their four grandchildren.

Archbishop of Athens Ieronymos, who referred to Glezos as a “symbol of Resistance,” performed the funeral service in the chapel of the Metropolis.

The WWII resistance icon was then laid to rest at the Cemetery of Athens in a tomb donated by the Athens Municipality to honor the great man.

READ MORE: Former Greek WWII resistance hero Manolis Glezos dies aged 97

Following his death on Monday, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis also ordered the Greek flag on the Acropolis to fly half-mast to show that the country was mourning for the man who took down the Nazi flag in 1941.

The Greek flag was waving at half mast yesterday to honor Manolis Glezos.




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