On Saturday 15th of May, the Pantrifilian Association of Melbourne and Victoria hosted the annual Mother’s Day Dinner Dance at the White Rose Reception in Thornbury.
Every year the committee of Pantrifilian Association of Melbourne and Victoria together with members of the organisation celebrate Mother’s Day by showing their appreciation for the achievements and efforts of mothers and mother figures.
This year, the event was also dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the beginning of the Greek Revolution, honouring with respect and pride all the mothers of the revolutionary struggle. It is well known that all the mothers of that time took a decisive role in the struggle.
On behalf of Pantrifilian Association of Melbourne and Victoria we would like to say a huge thank to all mums and especially to those who come from the area of Trifylia who managed to pass on their love for their special homeland to their children and grandchildren and to keep alive the tradition in Antipodes.