Positive development for bilateral health agreement between Australia and Greece


Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) President Bill Papastergiadis OAM recently met with the Greek Minister for Health, Adonis Georgiadis with whom he discussed the unresolved matter of a Bilateral Health Agreement between Australia and Greece.

The Minister was emphatic in his reply to Mr Papastergiadis on the topic declaring, “yes, we support the GCM in its endeavours to secure a bilateral health agreement between Greece and Australia. I will work with the GCM and the Australian Government to achieve this.”

The GCM has for a number of years been working on such an agreement.

Mr Papastergiadis reiterated to the Minister in their meeting that “the effect of such an agreement is to support our respective citizens when travelling and being in their most vulnerable state, that is experiencing ill health while overseas.”

Mr Papastergiadis emphasised the importance of an agreement that “would allow our citizens, particularly the elderly, to have peace of mind whilst in Greece.”

“The bond between Australia and Greece stretches beyond our mutual support as allies in two world wars,” Mr Papastergiadis added.

“Through significant waves of migration, Greeks call both lands home. Our two countries have shared values and ideals. Further developing these ties by way of bilateral agreements is critical to this relationship. Such agreements have a real benefit to our citizens.”




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