The bill aimed at easing voting restrictions for Greeks abroad appears to be gaining traction after a debate that started in a parliamentary committee on Thursday.
The debate to remove restrictions and grant voting rights to all registered Greek expatriates from their country of residence began on Thursday in Greece’s Parliament, after it was posted for public consultation last week.
To apply the legislation at the next election, over 200-MP votes in favour of the bill are required (two thirds of the total MPs in Parliament).

According to Ekathimerini and based on the initial positions of the parties on Thursday, a majority of 220 MPs appear to be agreeing with the legislation.
The ruling New Democracy party, socialist PASOK, the far-right Spartans, nationalist Niki and populist-left Plefsi Eleftherias appear to be giving the green light to the bill, whilst SYRIZA, the Communist Party (KKE) and hard-right/populist Hellenic Solution will not support it.
Greece’s Interior Minister Niki Kerameos said: “Today is a historic day as it seems that the required consensus is being formed.”
The new bill is expected to be voted on in the plenary next week.
Source: Ekathimerini