Local Greeks on the island of Paros are protesting for space and free access to its sandy beaches amid the takeover of pricey sunbeds rented out by private companies.
According to Reuters, the protests, known as the ‘Towel Movement,’ have also spread to the island of Naxos and other popular holiday spots.
Beaches are public in Greece, but an increasing number of businesses have received licenses to rent out sun beds and umbrellas which they set up along a stretch of beach.

Protesters are fighting against the cost of sunbeds, which can often top 100 euros for a day, and said some businesses expand beyond the agreed area of beach, leaving little room for those who want to enjoy the beach for free.
“The locals enjoy the peacefulness here, so we do not want it [the beach] to be taken up by businesses who care about the money, and not about nature and the vibe,” Ronit Nesher, a 53-year-old Paros resident, said.
Source: Reuters.