The Macquarie Greek Studies Foundation Limited (“the Foundation”) was recently informed by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Macquarie University about the upcoming discontinuation of four languages, including Italian, Croatian, Russian, and Modern Greek.
In April 2024, Macquarie University released a Workplace Change Proposal to impacted academic staff, outlining the proposed establishment of a new School. A Consultation Paper was shared with key external stakeholders, including the Foundation, and wider Faculty staff, who were invited to submit their feedback.
The Foundation and its community partners vigorously advocated for and strongly supported the continuation of Modern Greek studies, even offering to fully cover program costs.

The University will proceed with the Workplace Change Proposal despite the feedback. Key elements of the decision include the creation of a new academic unit combining four discipline areas: Criminology, Politics and International Relations, Security Studies, and Global Cultures. Additionally, the four language programs mentioned above (Italian, Croatian, Russian, and Modern Greek) will be in ‘resting and teach out.’
Current students enrolled in Modern Greek will be able to complete their studies without disruption until the end of 2026, but new students won’t be able to enrol in Modern Greek at Macquarie starting from Semester 1, 2025.
While the Major and Diploma in Modern Greek and curriculum components are slated for discontinuation, the University has indicated that it may incorporate Greek language and culture related units of study within the new discipline of Global Cultures. The final content and curriculum design for this discipline are expected by late 2025.
The Foundation is now exploring proposals to support future students. This includes new collaborations with the University and exploring alternate ways to support students passionate about the Modern Greek language and culture in Australia.
READ MORE: Macquarie University students share views on future of Modern Greek program