Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations, Tony Burke MP, confirmed on ABC Insiders on Sunday that there are plans to turn All Saints Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of Belmore into a pop-up vaccination hub.
NSW Health is in discussions to use the facilities of All Saints on the corner of Cecilia Street and Etela Street to support the local community.
The Greek Herald understands this vaccination hub at All Saints was being considered by NSW Health over the past week.
During the program, Minister Burke was discussing what he believes needs to be done in the Canterbury Bankstown Local Government Area (LGA) to stop the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant and stressed the success of community vaccination hubs in the area.
“We’ve been working really hard to get pop-up clinics on the ground… we’ve got one at the Iran Centre at Campsie today, we’re trying to get one at All Saints Greek Orthodox Parish at Belmore,” Minister Burke said.
“These pop-up clinics work. People see people they know and one of the best ways to combat hesitancy about vaccines is for people to know they’re getting vaccinated in their own community, at your local pharmacy, at your local GP, at these pop-up clinics, at places that people already trust.”
A number of mosques in the Canterbury Bankstown LGA have also become pop-up vaccination hubs, with some vaccinating 1000 people a day.
This news comes as NSW recorded 415 new local cases of COVID-19 yesterday, with 167 of these from the Western Sydney Local Health District (LHD) and 98 from South Western Sydney LHD.