By Victoria Loutas
Coffee is an essential element of Greek culture and lifestyle. Whilst many Greek Australians missed out on their Greek summer this year, it doesn’t mean they have to miss out on a Greek frappe by the beach!
In celebration of International Coffee Day, here is a list of the top five types of Greek coffee and how you can make them.

A frappe is one of the first Greek iced coffees to have been invented and is a well-liked choice today among many Greek Australians. What is a Frappe exactly? A frappe is a blended coffee drink that consists of Nescafe and Water and is blended until a thick, creamy consistency is formed. The coffee is poured over ice with milk and sugar to your liking!
Freddo espresso

A Freddo Espresso is a popular choice among those who like their coffee strong. A freddo espresso is a double shot of frothed, cold espresso that has been poured over ice.
Freddo cappuccino

Freddo cappuccino is arguably the prettiest choice within the Greek Coffee family. Like a Freddo espresso, Freddo cappuccino has a cold double shot of espresso poured over ice, topped with cold, frothed milk and cinnamon.
Eliniko kafe

Eliniko Kafe (Greek Coffee) is the traditional Greek coffee enjoyed by most Greeks as part of their morning ritual. The coffee is made with a few teaspoons of grounded coffee, water and sugar, to taste in a Briki over heat. Once the coffee comes to boil and froths up it is ready to be served with thick Kaimaki (cream) sitting on top.
Fun fact: the bottom of the coffee cup can be used for fortune telling!

Not as popular and not as well known in Australia – the Freddocino is a mocha style coffee that has a smoothie/slushie type texture. It is made by blending coffee, chocolate powder, ice and milk in a blender. Perfect for those with a sweet tooth!