In a joint letter to Greece’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andreas Katsaniotis, the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM), the Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia (GOCSA), the Greek Orthodox Community of NSW (GOCNSW) and the World Council for Hellenes Abroad (SAE), have called for the formation of a Department for the Greek Diaspora.
The four Greek organisations congratulate Mr Katsaniotis and the Greek government in their letter for their initiatives concerning issues about the Greek diaspora in Australia, but say they are yet to receive a response from the government on their request for a Department for the Greek Diaspora.
“The Greek diaspora play an important role in Greece’s economy and has always supported the homeland,” the letter states.
“Only with the formation of a Department for the Greek Diaspora will the diaspora be able to collaborate with Greece and coordinate initiatives for the strengthening of our homeland.”
The letter concludes by stating that now is the right time for the formation of the Department as Greece celebrates the 200th anniversary of the start of the Greek Revolution.
Full Letter in Greek: