The Australian Hellenic Choir (AHC) held its first Soiree for 2021 on June 11 to a packed house at the Beta Bar.
The event featured songs of the Rebetes and a medley tribute to Giannis Poulopoulous, which the choir sang in four-voice harmony adding colour to songs never heard before in Australia.
READ MORE: The Australian Hellenic Choir amaze with songs from the immigration era and Poulopoulos tribute.
The Choir operates on a charitable basis and all net proceeds from this event were earmarked for the Greek Orthodox Parish of St Nicholas in Marrickville, who will use the funds to support the Food Kitchen run by the Ladies Auxiliary.

A total of $1,650 was donated to the parish and although the Choir was hoping to raise more, the NSW Government announced its lockdown on the day of the soiree which meant plans changed. Still, the event went ahead and it was a fantastic fundraising achievement overall for the Food Kitchen.
The Choir also wanted to acknowledge the Hellenic Club for its wonderful support. A special thank you to Ms Sophia Belagiannis, it said in a press release.
“The Choir is gaining more and more recognition within the community as it delivers wonderful music with its repertoire of songs from Theodorakis, Markopoulos, Hadjidakis, Xarhakos, Savvopoulos, Mikroutsikos and Plessas,” President of the AHC, James Tsolakis, said.

“We are also pleased to announce our first Soiree for 2022 to be held on Sunday, 27th February. We will announce details shortly.
“The Choir begins rehearsals in the next few weeks under the conductorship of Mr Leon Vitogiannis. A big thank you goes out to our Choir members who dedicate time, energy and love to bring wonderful music to our audiences.”
If you are interested in joining the choir, you can contact: James Tsolakis (President of the AHC) on 0416 060 700 or Despina Lucas (Vice President of the AHC) on 0438 289 699. You can also email: