Greek Orthodox Community of SA welcomes launch of Neoléa Youth Committee


On Saturday, May 11, the Greek Orthodox Community of South Australia (GOCSA) announced the launch of Neoléa (Greek for youth), a new initiative that aims to activate and encourage young Greek Australians to connect with each other, explore and celebrate their rich cultural heritage, and build a vibrant future that honours the legacy of their ancestors.

“Young people should be at the heart of our decisions that impact their involvement with the Community. Neoléa, with a dynamic committee at the helm, will amplify the voices and experiences of the next generation of Greek Australians,” GOCSA Vice President Peter Gonis said.

“We are proud of this new initiative and look forward to working with the Committee and leveraging their shared expertise, energy and ideas to not only safeguard but also progress our Community.”

Neoléa will provide advice to and actively engage with GOCSA’s Administrative Council and Leadership Team. It will serve as a platform for designing and incubating new initiatives, promoting intergenerational dialogue, encouraging language retention and forging meaningful community connections.

“I’ve always been proud to call myself a third generation Greek Australian. It’s a personal testament to the hard work, strength, bravery and determination of my grandparents, values of which have been passed down and instilled in me,” inaugural Neoléa Committee Chair Anastasia Mavrides said.

“I’m so excited to finally share this platform which was created to resonate with you. A space aspiring to connect and inspire us to delve further into our unique identity of being Greek Australians and exploring what that means.

“Whilst it’s important to honour those who have paved the way before us, it’s equally important to shine a light and empower the next generation; let our voices be heard, our thoughts shared and our successes celebrated.”

Neoléa’s first event is planned for Sunday, May 26 at the Ikaros Hall, 24 Arthur St, Unley and will feature a hands-on cooking demonstration led by Ikarian members, Chief Justice of South Australia, the Honourable Chris Kourakis and Tina Germanos. The event is part of the The Syllogo Initiative, a collaborative project with local Greek social clubs and associations that seeks to capture South Australia’s Greek migration history and make cultural knowledge accessible across generations.

About Neoléa:

  • Behind the name: Neoléa (νεολαία), Greek for “youth”. Tag line: Εδώ Είμαστε – We’re here
  • Neoléa is an initiative that seeks to activate and encourage young Greek Australians to connect with each other, explore and celebrate their rich cultural heritage, and build a vibrant future that honours the legacy of their ancestors.
  • The current Neoléa Committee consists of the following members: Anastasia Mavrides, Chloe Kourakis, Chloe Katopodis, Mikayla Bolkus, Sophia Zavlagka and George Foumakis.




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