Federation of Greek Elderly Citizens Clubs of Victoria elect new executive


The Board of Directors of the Federation of Greek Elderly Citizen Clubs of Melbourne & Victoria (FGECCMV) met on Friday, June 14 and voted on the composition of the new seven-member board.

John Kostoulias was re-appointed President of the Federation, despite announcing his resignation from the position in March 2024 due to health reasons.

The other elected positions were Angelos Koutouleas as Vice President, Soula Kolokytha as Secretary, Martha Antoniadis as Treasurer, Kalliopi Shirp as Assistant Secretary, Eugenia Toulopa as Assistant Treasurer, and Dimitra Sardelis as Committee Member.

This comes after the Federation held an Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, April 5 and elected a new Executive Committee led by Dimitra Sardelis. At a member meeting on Friday, April 19, these election results were deemed illegitimate due to issues around transparency and voting procedures, and a new election was called for Friday, June 7 where Mr Kostoulias was re-elected.




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