As we are one day away from the Antipodes Festival, Alkistis Protopsalti visited Alphington Grammar school on Thursday, February 23. On hand to welcome her was Dr Vivianne Nikou, Principal of Alphington Grammar.
Dr Vivianne Nikou took the artist with her musicians and showed them around the school premises, pointing out different areas. This included classrooms, laboratories, libraries, playgrounds, and other on-site facilities. During their tour, the principal provided some valuable information about the school’s history, programs, and activities.

Alkistis was later welcomed by the students at Alphington Grammar School band where they put on a show and sang a few songs for her. The students also had a “Q&A” session with questions regarding her career and achievements. The famous vocalist answered with great joy all of their questions and in return she sang some of her songs as the crowd watched her incredible performance in awe.
Dr Vivianne Nikou shared her enthusiasm for this momentous occasion stating: “The visit was a huge success inspiring all students to maintain their connection to their heritage through music and other creative pursuits.”

“Alkistis Protopsalti is an inspiration for the students and teachers. She has displayed great ethos throughout her career achievements. Her passion in maintaining the Greek language amongst Greeks abroad was also evident,” Dr Nikou added.
Present at the event were also the GCM’s Vice President Anthie Sidiropoulos, Secretary Nikos Koukouvitakis and Principal of the GCM’s Language & Culture Schools Maria Bakalidou. They welcomed Alkistis and talked about her first impressions of the school and the preparations ahead of the Antipodes Festival 2023.
After the event, Alkistis met with the students, took pictures with them and was presented with an Alphington bear and a coffee table book of famous Australian Landmarks.

Alkistis visits the Greek Community of Melbourne’s Language and Culture Schools in Bentleigh
On Tuesday, February 21, Alkistis also visited students at the Greek Community of Melbourne’s Language and Culture Schools in Bentleigh.

During her visit, Alkistis shared with the students memories from her own childhood and experiences from her concerts and travels around the world.
The children did not miss the opportunity presented to them. They asked many questions to get to know Alkistis more and learn about her life and career.

With kindness and patience, she listened and answered all their questions, since, as she characteristically said, she did not want to leave any child complaining.

Alkistis spoke to them about her love for music and the Greek language, about the value of education, as well as the importance of sticking to our goals and the driving force of dreaming big.
The students then surprised Alkistis by singing one of her songs. In return, Alkistis also sang some of her well-known songs.
Alkistis Protopsalti is scheduled to perform on Saturday, February 25 at Antipodes Festival.