New Democracy at 27.4% (down from 30.2%), SYRIZA at 24.5% (up from 24.3%) and PASOK-Movement for Change at 9% – these are the results of The MRB poll for Open TV on voting intentions in the upcoming Greek general elections.
According to Ekathimerini, the difference between New Democracy’s lead over main opposition SYRIZA is even narrower, with 2.9 percentage points now separating the parties, instead of 5.9 points from the previous MRB/Open poll.

Communist KKE (5.1%) and ultra-nationalist Greek Solution (4.5%) maintained their points while MeRA25, the party of former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, increased its support by one point, to 3.9%.
Those that are undecided reached 17.4% points while just over half of those asked (55.6%) said that the recent Tempi railway disaster is going to play a role in the way they vote in the general election, two in five said it will not sway their vote.
When it comes to who is more suitable as a prime minister 33.8% said Kyriakos Mitsotakis and 29.3% said Alexis Tsipras.