Greece assumes command of the EU’s Red Sea mission


The European Commission formally launched “EUNAVFOR ASPIDES” on Tuesday, a European military operation for maritime security and freedom of navigation in the midst of the Red Sea crisis.

This operation will help to improve maritime security in major sea routes including the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman, and Persian Gulf.

According to, Greek Commander in Chief, Vassilios Gryparis will lead the operation, with the EUNAVFOR ASPIDES Operational Headquarters based in Larissa.

Under the regulatory framework, EUNAVFOR ASPIDES will cooperate closely with EUNAVFOR ATALANTA, an EU military operation formed in 2008 to help to maritime security in the Western Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.

EUNAVFOR ASPIDES’ original mission will be 12 months from the date of its inception, with the option of being reviewed before the end of its validity term.





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