The reconstruction of the seaside town of Mati, which was destroyed by fire in July 2018, has been put on hold due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Local residents have told ‘Ta Nea‘ that no work is currently being done as everyone socially isolates themselves.
“This summer we said we would progress a little bit, but now things have become difficult again because of the coronavirus,” a Mati resident said.
Some homes in the Greek village of Mati remain destroyed. Source: ABC. All form of reconstruction has been stopped due to the coronavirus outbreak. Source: EPA.
Tools and paint lie absently on streets as people have sadly neglected their dream of rebuilding their home for now.
“It kills me. It kills me. I want to go now to sort out some documents or even go to the pharmacy, and I can’t,” an elderly man said.
With the death of 102 people during the Mati fires still fresh in their minds, the only current relief for locals is a good conversation and a greeting, always from a distance.