South Australian taxi drivers are set to take home more pay with the State Government today authorising a six per cent fare increase.
The increases, which will be the first for the industry since 2016, will come into operation at the end of this month and are designed to address the financial shortfall taxi drivers now face at the hands of rideshare services and the rising cost of living.
Based on estimates, the cost of a 5km trip within metropolitan Adelaide will increase by 90 cents.
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Tom Koutsantonis said the increase in maximum taxi fares would support the taxi industry by increasing the revenue-generating capacity of taxi operators to meet overheads.
“The industry has made a compelling case that they are struggling to meet running costs and attract drivers – with the problems they’ve faced exacerbated by increased fuel prices experienced in 2022,” he said.
“Taxi drivers have not seen their take-home pay increased for six years – their wages have languished.
“This is one of SA’s lowest-paid sectors and the State Government is obliged to give these workers a chance to earn a fair fare.”

The increase is expected to have minimal impact on the South Australian Transport Subsidy Scheme, under which access to taxi travel for people with disabilities is subsidised, currently up to a maximum metered fare of $40.
Additionally, the maximum country taxi fare remains set at 20 per cent higher than regulated metropolitan fares.
READ MORE: NSW Government announces $645 million assistance package for taxi industry