SEKA Victoria send letter to Premier ahead of visit by Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar


SEKA Victoria, the Justice for Cyprus Co-ordinating Committee, have sent a letter to the state Premier, Jacinta Allen to request they ignore the upcoming visit of Turkish-Cypriot politician, Ersin Tatar.

The purpose of SEKA Victoria stands to provide justice for Cyprus since the Turkish invasion of the island in 1974, where 37% of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus fell to the Turkish military. The north unilaterally declared its independence on 15 November 1983 under the name of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.”

Tatar calls himself the “President” of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” (TRNC) – a territory that is not recognised by any country except Turkey.

According to SEKA Victoria, Tatar is set to visit Australia on Wednesday, May 22 and his first stop will be to Melbourne, Victoria.

The SEKA Victoria Committee has written a letter to the State Premier, Jacinta Allen and the Victorian Minister for Environment Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Steve Dimopoulos to request they ignore the upcoming visit of Turkish-Cypriot politician, Ersin Tatar to Melbourne on Wednesday, May 22.
The SEKA Victoria Committee has written a letter to the Victorian Government requesting that they ignore the upcoming visit of Turkish-Cypriot politician, Ersin Tatar to Melbourne on Wednesday, May 22.

In their letter to the Victorian Premier, President of SEKA Victoria Pavlos Andronikos said the organisation “understands that the Australian government has assured the Republic of Cyprus that it will not give Tatar’s visit any legitimacy or substance, and that it has informed local governments and State Parliaments of Australia’s official position (non-recognition of the “TRNC”).”

“We congratulate the Prime Minister and his Government for expressing clearly and unequivocally Australia’s position,” Mr Andronikos wrote.

He added that it would be “totally inappropriate for any Victorian Minister or Government official to meet with Tatar,” and explained that Greek and Cypriot Australians are distressed by his planned visit.

“We believe that the purpose of Tatar’s visit is to push for recognition of the illegal “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”,” Mr Andronikos said.

The letter concluded by calling on the Victorian Premier to issue a statement making it clear the state government will not engage with Tatar during their visit, and to show their support for the Federal Government’s position on the TRNC.




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