Faith groups can now apply for a share of $15 million to upgrade safety and security at their places of
worship thanks to the NSW Government’s Safe Places for Faith Communities Grants Program.
Under the program, grants of between $5,000 and $250,000 will be available for eligible groups to protect important sites where they gather, improve risk mitigation and build the social cohesion and
resilience of faith groups.
Funding can be used anywhere in NSW at eligible faith-based centres including places of worship, seminaries, religious museums, religious community centres, religious retreats and places of religious significance, including shrines, faith-based cemeteries or memorials.
This program has been developed in collaboration with key Government and faith stakeholders, as well as the NSW Community and Resilience and Response Plan (COMPLAN) Committee.

Successful grants recipients will also have the opportunity to join a Community of Practice to share knowledge with other faith groups and participate in workshops and information sessions aimed at
fostering interfaith collaboration on community safety and wellbeing.
NSW Minister for Multiculturalism Steve Kamper said “it’s important that all faith groups across NSW feel they can practice their beliefs in safe space.”
“NSW is the most successful multicultural and multifaith state in the world. This is a great point of pride, but it is also something that must be actively protected,” Mr Kamper said.
“This program delivers on our election commitment to our multifaith community and has been designed to promote community wellbeing and resilience, as well as interfaith harmony and social cohesion.
“We need to make sure that everyone, no matter their beliefs, feels safe in this state. We will continue to work with our multifaith communities to ensure this promise is felt.”
For further information about the Safe Places for Faith Communities Grants Program and to register for an Information Session, visit