A new motion has been put forward to expel the Federal Liberal MP Alex Hawke from the NSW Liberal Party, according to The Guardian.
This motion comes after the former Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs Minister for the previous Morrison Government was accused of failing to attend nomination review committee meetings before the 2022 federal election.
These actions resulted in a delay to preselections in Farrer and North Sydney.
Following the delay caused by Mr Hawke, a federal intervention then took place, which allowed a three-person panel, including Morrison and then-NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet to handpick nine candidates.

The Artarmon branch of the Liberal Party has now put forward the motion to expel Mr Hawke and to reopen a preselection challenge to Paul Fletcher.
Ahead of the NSW Liberal state council on Saturday, Hawke’s faction and moderates are lobbying against the motion, which a senior Liberal described as “a bad idea that won’t die.”
The source said the motion is “going to be close” due to a large block of unaligned votes and possible absences from the state council.
Source: The Guardian.