Australia’s Greek Associations could help the Greek Museum of Adelaide find a permanent home


By Chrysoula Melissinaki

This year, 2022 heralds three years since the Greek Museum of Adelaide, South Australia, a non-profit organization, was founded in 2019. The Museum, as a cultural institution, embraces all aspects of Hellenism in Australia. During these three years, the Museum has organized and presented seven exhibitions for the Australian public to enjoy. The exhibitions featured works by both Greek and Greek-Australian artists, collections of traditional objects, costumes, books and historical pieces from Greek-Australian immigrants.

The Greek Museum of Adelaide is an institution that promotes Greek culture and history through cultural activities (such as lectures, film nights and so on) and exhibitions. The state government, community leaders, Greek-Australians and other Australians, including the Hellenism of Greece, has recognized the substantial and practical contribution of the Museum, in the cultural life of the Greek diaspora.

At present, the Greek Museum of Adelaide does not have its own permanent building, nor a stable or permanent base from which to operate, thus exhibitions are not open to the public daily. Currently, it is presenting exhibitions from a temporary rental solution. Clearly, this temporary exhibition space solution cannot and does not cover all the needs of a proper functioning Museum.

Due to the lack of financial resources and sponsorships, the Museum’s Committee cannot enter into the purchase nor a leasing of a more appropriate permanent property. However, there is a possible solution for the Museum’s current problem and that is through the support of already established Greek associations based in Australia.

An appeal is made to those Greek associations that have very few members and therefore cannot offer many activities. The call is this: if it is likely that the association will cease to operate in the near future, we respectfully ask the association to seriously consider granting the association’s building to the Greek Museum Adelaide. Clearly, you would have our undying gratitude.

Fellow Greek associations of Adelaide, we trust that this request is reasonable. It has come to our attention that currently several Greek associations are under-operating and that some associations have transferred their buildings to the state government. Within the next five years, several associations may be confronted with this dilemma of what to do or where to allocate their property. The Greek Museum Adelaide is therefore making a request that you help our museum as real Greeks and Philhellenes.

We ask you this question: is it not better for a building to be bequeathed and found again in Greek hands, the hands of the Greek Museum Adelaide rather than in the hands of the state, which has its own means? The Greek Museum could continue to present and promote our Hellenism and to recognize and continue the contribution of the donor association.

Why should Greeks not support such an important Greek effort, especially now that our Hellenism has more than ever a need for promotion and recognition?

One more building to the Australian state makes little difference, but for the Greek Museum of Adelaide it would mean a necessary and substantial act of support.

We ask and appeal to all Greek associations to consider this call for the concession of a building.

Please contact us for clarifications and or discussion. The Council of the Greek Adelaide Museum Inc. is always open for any communication with you.

Respectfully and with appreciation,

President Chrysoula Melissinaki

You can get in contact with the Greek Museum on (0061) 0457456339 or visit,




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