Voters gearing up to have their say at the 2024 local council elections in Victoria will have to navigate a raft of changes before any boxes are ticked.
More than half the state’s 79 councils have moved to single councillor wards – many of them with new names – and up to a million ratepayers who were previously given an automatic right to vote, now have to enrol.
Voters looking forward to a democracy sausage will also be disappointed, as the 2024 council elections will be conducted via postal vote rather than in person.
The official election day is October 26 but all votes must be posted by 6pm on October 25.
With this in mind, The Greek Herald has compiled a list of all the candidates of Greek heritage who will be in the running in your local council electorate.
Melbourne City Council
- Mayor: KOUTOUFIDES, Anthony
- Mayor: ANATOLITIS, Esther
- Councillor: ZERVOS, Nicolas Paul

Banyule City Council
- Bakewell Ward: ROUMELIOTIS, William
- Sherbourne Ward: GIOVAS, Michelle
Bayside City Council
- Ivison Ward: BATZIALAS, Nicholas
- Bleazby Ward: SOLDATOS, Jerry
- Dendy Ward: GEORGOULOS, Paras
Boroondara City Council
- Maranoa Ward: PATTAS, Chris
- Studley Ward: STAVROU, Nick
Brimbank City Council
- Albanvale Ward: RASPA, Kristian
- Copernicus Ward: PAPAFOTIOU, Georgina
- Copernicus Ward: KORONEOS, Stefan Christopher
- Copernicus Ward: HAVELAS, Aristea
- Mount Derrimut Ward: VORGIATZIDIS, Tayla
- Horseshoe Bend Ward: TACHOS, Virginia

Casey City Council
- Casuarina Ward: LAZAROS, Rex
Darebin City Council
- North Central Ward: TSALKOS, Vasilios
- South East Ward: DIMITRIADIS, Emily
- South East Ward: TSIGARAS, Elias
- West Ward: ZEMBEKIS, Leon

East Gippsland Shire Council
Frankston City Council
- Ballam Ward: SOLIS, Cristy
Glen Eira City Council
- Mallanbool Ward: PALAMARAS, Nick
Greater Geelong City Council
- Cheetham Ward: METRIKAS, Jon
- Deakin Ward: KATOS, Andrew
Hobsons Bay City Council
- Altona North Ward: DAMASOLIOTIS, Alexandra
Hume City Council
- Jacksons Hill Ward: KARAGIANNIDIS, John
Kingston City Council
- Bunjil Ward: ATHANASOPOULOS, Tony
- Wattle Ward: EREVNIDIS, Georgia
Manningham City Council
- Bolin Ward: TAFIDIS, Dimitrios
- Ruffey Ward: GRIVAS, Jim
- Ruffey Ward: PALIOURAS, Amanda
Maribyrnong City Council
- Saltwater Ward: SOUMILAS, Terri
Merri-bek City Council
- Brunswick West Ward: TAPINOS, Lambros
- Harmony Park Ward: PANOPOULOS, Angelica
- Harmony Park Ward: POLITIS, Helen
- Pentridge Ward: HELOU, Anthony
- Randazzo Ward: ROLOGAS, Kosta
- Randazzo Ward: ALLIMONOS, Voula Paraskevi
- Westbreen Ward: THEODOSIS, Katerine
- Westbreen Ward: PAVLIDIS-MIHALAKOS, Helen

Monash City Council
- Banksia Ward: ATHANASOPOULOS, Arthur
- Scotchmans Creek Ward: DAYANDAS, Bill
- Wellington Ward: KLISARIS, Paul
Moonee Valley City Council
Moyne Shire Council
Nillumbik Shire Council
- Swipers Gully Ward: MITROPOULOS, Terry
- Edendale Ward: BAKOS, Andrew
Stonnington City Council
- Malvern Valley Ward: KLISARIS, Jami
- Wattletree Ward: STEFANOPOULOS, Steve
Swan Hill Rural City Council
Warrnambool City Council
- Central Ward: SYCOPOULIS, Peter
Wellington Shire Council
- Northern Ward: ILIOPOULOS, Christos
Whitehorse City Council
- Terrara Ward: MANOS, George
- Lalor Ward: HAJICHRISTOU, Nicholas
- South Morang Ward: FILIPPOPOULOS, Andrew
- Thomastown Ward: STAVRAKIS, George
- North Ward: KRASSOS, Mary
Yarra City Council
- Hoddle Ward: GLYNATSIS, Michael
- Lennox Ward: RAZOS, Peter
*NOTE: If you have Greek heritage and believe you should be on this list, please email us at