Graduate students at Oakleigh Grammar and Alphington Grammar have performed to a commendable level as they receive results from their VCE exams, in a year that was interrupted by a worrying pandemic.
Year 12 students at Oakleigh Grammar worked tirelessly throughout this challenging year to ensure their choice in offers and ATAR results reflected the career path each student has so carefully chosen.
Dux of the 2020 School Year was awarded to Xuwei (Amy) Ding with an impressive ATAR score of 95.2. Amy is Oakleigh Grammar’s first international student to to be recognised with this honour and has achieved her excellent score through hard work, diligence and always being open to asking for help.

A school known for their incredible student guidance, 55 percent of Oakleigh Grammar graduates achieved ATAR scores of over 70.
The school acknowledged the success of five additional students for achieving outstanding results, including their chosen University course.
- Artemis Moschoudi – 94.6 Bachelor degree of Laws and Criminology (Monash University)
- Zena Makantasis – 94.2 Bachelor degree of Commerce (Melbourne University)
- Alexandra Konstantinidi – 91.55 Bachelor Degree of Nursing and Midwifery (Deakin University)
- Efthymia Delichristou – 88.65 Bachelor Degree of Nursing and Midwifery (Deakin University)
- Sinky Oeng – 88.15 Bachelor of Design (Melbourne University)
A special mention is also to be made for Oakleigh student Marialena Loupo, who achieved an incredible score of 49/50 in her Modern Greek VCE.

“This is an excellent achievement for an independent Greek school, particularly within an undeniably taxing year,” the press release from Oakleigh Grammar reads.
“To achieve these results as a smaller and younger School is a true success story. As Oakleigh Grammar continues to grow from year to year, as do the results of our prosperous graduates.”
Another Greek school who performed exceptionally was Alphington Grammar, whose students achieved an average ATAR of 77.
41 percent of their students achieved ATARS over 80, with the school achieving a median Study Score of 31.
Special congratulations were given to DUX of the year Dimitra Kritsidimas, who achieved an outstanding ATAR of 96.35, placing herself in the top 4% of all students in the state.
“We are proud to announce that the VCE final results were made public this morning and our Class of 2020 has achieved an outstanding set of grades given the disjointed year they have all faced,” Alphington Grammar said in a Facebook post.
“Our students have demonstrated resilience, emotional maturity, creativity, compassion, and support of each other.”