The NSW Government has launched a new website to provide parents with multiple resources for raising their kids.
The new site, ‘Brighter Beginnings’, aims to eliminate the middle person in various departments ranging from health to education, and offer an online portal with key information, tools, and resources for parents.
The Daily Telegraph revealed that the online portal is separated into six sections and corresponds with each stage of a child’s development, from pregnancy to primary school.
John and Anthea Mangas from Rushcutters Bay said the new website was a great initiative as it will help them raise their two children.

Anthea said that when they had their first child, who is now four, they had many things pop up that they weren’t expecting. One example was that they didn’t know how to prepare or ask their employers about paid leave.
She shared that as living expenses continue to rise, gaining accurate information is a must.
“There was a lot of research done on my part to find out what we were eligible for,” Anthea said.
“I wanted to decide for example, could I afford to put Alexandros in three days of care, instead of two days?
“I think 100 per cent it is a great idea to consolidate all of this information, and that it is a trusted resource. You don’t know what you don’t know, until you get to it.”
The Education and Early Learning Minister Prue Car said that the purpose of the website is about “cutting confusion” for new parents in the “incredibly important” first five years of a child’s life.
Source: The Daily Telegraph.