Man pleads not guilty to gunpoint robbery of Nick Kyrgios’ car


A Canberra man accused of threatening Nick Kyrgios‘ mum with a gun and stealing the tennis star’s Tesla has pleaded not guilty to charges against him.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, in a statement of facts submitted to the ACT Magistrates Court, police allege that the man pointed a gun at Norlaila Kyrgios on May 1 and demanded she hand over the keys to her son’s green Tesla.

Police said officers then pursued the man through Canberra’s northern suburbs, before he was later stopped and arrested.

Nick Kyrgios.

The man was charged with five offences including aggravated armed robbery, failure to stop for police, and driving while suspended.

Defence lawyer Jan de Bruin told magistrate Glenn Theakston on Tuesday morning his 32-year-old client pleaded not guilty to all five charges.

The man, who remains in custody, will return to court on July 18.

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald.




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