Greek Government grants heating oil allowance to selected recipients for the upcoming chilly winter


Until December 20, 2019, Greek consumers are given the option of applying for the newly introduced heating allowance to receive the projected amount by the end of the year.

After signing on the € 68 million decision to increase the heating allowance, it took 22 days before it could be published in GSE to open the platform for interested applicants. The intention is now to open the platform for applying for this year’s heating allowance, which according to government announcements will be paid in full before the end of the year.

The decision, titled “Allocation of heating oil allowance for the winter 2019/2020 and determination of the amount, beneficiaries, conditions and procedure for granting it”, sets the amount of the allowance, the beneficiaries, the conditions and the award procedure.

The new grant scheme introduces increased benefits by 10% for each child protected, allowing households to purchase even smaller quantities of heating oil to receive the total amount of the subsidy. It is the first time that the allowance has been given in this form and according to the financial staff this “innovation” leads to a 50% increase in the amount of the grant.

Below are the official beneficiaries of the new heating allowance, provided by the Government Gazette:

Beneficiaries of the heating oil allowance

1. Heating oil allowance shall be granted to natural persons who are unmarried or married or in widowhood or to persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement or in a dimensional or divorced manner who use their own heating oil to meet their requirements and meet the criteria set out in Article 2 hereof. In particular, for married persons or persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement, the beneficiary is the person liable to file an income tax return under Article 67 of Law 4172/2013, or one of the two in the event of a separate filing.

2. The allowance shall be granted to the said natural persons for the consumption of gas heating oil for immovable property which they use as their principal residence at the time of application, whether they

are rented or free of charge or owned.

3. The following shall not be eligible for the allowance:

a) Natural persons, who are registered in the Declaration of Income Taxes of natural persons as dependent members of the debtor under article 11 of Law 4172/2013.

b) Individuals who declare in their Personal Income Tax return

that they are hosted.

c) Individuals subject to luxury living tax as well as natural persons possessing EIH. cars with more than two (2) or co-ownership rates, under EIH car, which

(percent) added up corresponds to more than two (2) cars including

spaced voluntary immobility. EICs are not included. compulsory immobilisation vehicles, which refers to cases of destruction or theft.

d) Natural persons for their professional housing.

e) Institutions, organisations and all kinds of non-profit or non-profit legal entities or legal entities.

f) Foreign tax residents who are required to submit income tax returns in Greece and their spouses.

Specifically, to determine the exemptions under (b) above, the data for the 2019 tax return for natural persons are used, while for the determination of the exceptions for the other 2018 tax cases and other sources.

Natural persons referred to in Article 1 hereof are entitled to a heating oil allowance if they meet the following criteria:

a. Income:

Their annual total family income taken into account for the imposition of the special solidarity levy referred to in Article 43A of Law 4172/2013, irrespective of the source of their origin, amounts to EUR 12,000 for a single widow or debtor in widowhood or the amount of 20,000 EURO for a married person or marriages or parties to a cohabitation pact who submit a separate tax return based on the subpoena. bbb of cf. par. 4 of article 67 of c.4172 / 2013 (court support or bankruptcy), or married persons filing a tax return under cf. b c of cf. par. 4172/2013 or natural persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement and have submitted a joint tax declaration without children, plus EUR 2,000 for each child.

Similarly, for the determination of marital status, number of children as well as income criteria, the data of the tax return of natural persons of fiscal year 2018 are used. If spouses submit Issue B ‘4216 / 19.11.2019 a separate statement is the largest number of children declared in one of two (2) declarations.

The data of the same statement shall also be used in the case of divorced or divorced spouses or natural persons who have entered into a cohabitation agreement, as well as married or cohabiting parties submitting a separate tax return under subcl. bbb of para. f of par. 4 of article 67 of law 4172/2013 or spouses filing a tax return under par. b of par. 4 of article 67 of law 4172/2013.

b. Real estate:

The total value of the real estate, as determined for the calculation of the additional ENFIA, which results from the ENFIA administrative determination act. of year 2019, liable,

spouse or party to a cohabitation agreement and dependent children, as stated in the tax return for the tax year 2018, not to exceed EUR 130,000 for

unmarried, debtors in the widow’s or dimensional state and the sum of EUR 250,000 for married or cohabiting parties and single parent families.




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