A Global Centre of Pontian Hellenism is set to be built on the site of the former airport at Elliniko in southern Athens, Ekathimerini reports.
The plans for the new centre were unveiled at an event held at the Mikis Theodorakis Cultural and Conference Centre on January 14.
Greece’s President, Katerina Sakellaropoulou, was present at the event and stressed how Pontian Greeks have successfully managed to maintain their culture despite their “tragic history that included persecution, slaughter and violent attempts at Islamisation.”

“Pontian Greeks who left their Asia Minor homes as refugees brought to Greece their drive and values, their loyalty to country, family, community and traditions, their hard work and tireless inventiveness,” Sakellaropoulou stressed.
The new ‘Hall for the Global Pontian Greeks of Sourmena’ is now set to showcase this culture proudly.

Designed by Doxiadis Associates, it is expected to be completed in about three years and will house the local Pontian association, its library and the museum that is currently located in Sourmena Square. It will have also spaces for conferences and events.
This announcement comes as the Greek Ministry of Culture confirmed that it will dedicate 2022 to the 100th anniversary of the Asia Minor Catastrophe and to the promotion of the memory of the refugee communities, including the Pontian Greeks.
Source: Ekathimerini.