A bid by the managers of St Basil’s Home for the Aged in Fawkner to avoid giving evidence has forced a delay of the inquest into the deaths of 50 residents.
According to ABC News, former St Basil’s chairman Kon Kontis and facility manager Vicky Kos are fighting against giving evidence over their handling of the deadly outbreak in July 2020 out of fear they could incriminate themselves.
“On legal advice, I object to giving evidence on the ground that it may tend to incriminate me in relation to an offence under Australian law,” Mr Kontis said.
READ MORE: St Basil’s operators made to give evidence at inquest into COVID deaths.

Ms Kos gave the same answer. The pair refused to even confirm their job titles.
State Coroner Judge John Cain told the Coroners Court he would endeavour to hand down a ruling on the pair’s application before the festive holiday.
Meanwhile outside court, relatives of former St Basil’s residents were furious that Mr Kontis and Ms Kos had refused to give evidence.

“The opportunity to tell the truth was here today and they have declined it,” Spiro Vasilakis told reporters.
The matter will return to the Coroner’s Court today, when family members are expected to read out impact statements.
READ MORE: St Basil’s inquest: Operators ask to be excused from giving evidence.
Source: ABC News.