In a letter sent to the Greek Community of Melbourne on December 9, Greece’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Kostas Vlasis, expressed the Greek Government’s assurances they will do everything possible for the continuation of the Greek Studies Program at La Trobe University in Melbourne.
“The continuation of the Greek Studies Program is a top priority, because it has for us, the Hellenism of Victoria and also the Greek community in Australia, a substantial and special emotional value,” Mr Vlasis writes in his letter.

The Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister then congratulated the Community’s “huge and crucial effort,” which led to the “agreement in principle” with the university to maintain the program.
“The submission of proposals to the University with the aim of finding a solution immediately, the collection of the necessary resources for the financial support of the Program, the collection of signatures, the sending of protest letters to each involved body, the submission of relevant questions at State and Federal level, were a determining factor in resolving the impasse,” the letter continues.
Full Letter IN GREEK below: