Greece’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Kostas Vlasis, has launched a free platform called ‘Sta Ellinika’ for Greeks abroad to learn about the Greek language, mythology and culture from home.
Having started our own #KeepItGreek campaign, The Greek Herald encourages all our readers to download the app to ensure our Greek language and culture is maintained during this uncertain time.
The platform consists of courses targeted at different age groups:
- Kids aged 4+ (Greek for Preschool and Kindergarten).
- Kids aged 6+ (Beginners Greek for ages 6-8).
- Kids ages 9+ (Beginners Greek).
The courses cover topics ranging from basic Greek grammar and spelling, to Greek mythology and historical events such as Greek Independence Day.
They will also be updated throughout the summer and can be accessed from the computer, mobile phone or tablet.
Find out more information here.