For the sixth year in a row, Youth In Action, the youth group of The Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of Burwood and District St Nectarios, has prepared 120 Christmas hampers for refugee families, to be delivered through Metro Assist on Monday, December 18.
The youth held a successful fundraising event, A Mamma Mia Kind of Trivia Night, in October, which raised $3,282 for this important cause, allowing the youth to shop for groceries for the hampers. Parishioners also donated additional groceries and made donations towards the shopping.

Youth In Action representatives spent five hours during last Saturday’s sweltering heat sorting grocery donations and then went shopping for the balance of groceries needed. The final step was a hamper packing night earlier this week, which saw local youth and other Parishioners and friends joining together with a great spirit of fun and camaraderie to pack the hampers, ready for delivery.
Volunteer Chris Doukas arrived with his truck, ready to load the hampers onto pallets for delivery to Metro Assist in Bankstown.

An official Christmas Hamper presentation day for refugee families takes place at Metro Assist on Monday, December 18, with Youth In Action Coordinator Nicole Economos to attend to meet and greet the recipients and help Metro Assist staff hand out the hampers.
“Our Christmas Hamper project is one of the highlights of the year for Youth In Action,” Nicole Economos said.

“Everyone rallies around this important cause and it’s so great to know we are spreading some love and compassion to those who have experienced unimaginable challenges.
“We’re proud to deliver some cheer and share in the true spirit of Christmas with those less fortunate.”
With this year’s contribution, Youth In Action has so far fundraised for and donated 720 Christmas Hampers to refugee families through Metro Assist – an incredible achievement.