Year 12 students from St Euphemia College marked the end of their HSC exams with a touching graduation ceremony, which included a church service and graduation dinner.
The church service was held in the early morning of November 12 at St Euphemia Greek Orthodox Church and was presided over by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios.
During the service, Archbishop Makarios addressed the Year 12 students, congratulating them on reaching the end of their high school education despite the challenges they faced due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Archbishop Makarios presided over the graduation church service. Year 12 graduates at St Euphemia College.
“Despite the difficulties you encountered, you persevered without losing courage or hope…” Archbishop Makarios said in his speech.
“With young people like you entering and participating actively in society, I am convinced that we have a bright future.”
Archbishop Makarios then concluded the service by offering the graduates an icon of the Virgin Mary with Christ.
The church service was followed by a graduation dinner held at the Himalaya Emporium Function Centre in Bankstown.
The dinner was attended by the School Principal, Father Peter Mavrommatis, Father Panagiotis Protopsaltis, members of the board, teachers, parents and students.
Pastoral Care coordinator, Mrs Papastamatis, farewelled her Year 12 cohort with a heartfelt speech and students later received a mug and graduation teddy bear from the school and a cross necklace from Mrs Papastamatis.