With a well-attended online presentation held on Thursday, February 25, the Seventh International Summer University kicked off its annual conference, titled ‘Greek Language, Culture and Mass Media’ set to take place on the island of Hydra, in the flesh and on-line, from July 11 – July 14, 2021.
An initiative of the Department of Education of the Ioannina University in Greece in collaboration with Sydney’s Macquarie University Modern Greek Studies Program (Department of Mass Media, Communication, Fine Arts, Languages and Literature) and the participation of The Circle of Hellenic Academics in Boston, the International Summer University has become an institution with a vision to provide lifelong learning opportunities to undergraduate, postgraduate as well as doctoral students, teachers and professionals from around the world while educating them about the importance of Greek language and culture through lectures and activities.
Under the auspices of Hydra, as part of the island’s Greek Revolution bicentennial events and supported by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this year’s 4-day conference will explore ‘Language and Freedom of Expression’ through seven thematic axes.
READ MORE: Macquarie Uni Greek Program students explain how the language changed their lives
“It’s our honour to support Summer University for the first year, as participants and co organisers. It’s an initiative that places the Greek language in the epicentre as a tool of expression and reflection,” said Secretary General of Public Diplomacy and Hellenes Abroad, Giannis Chrysoulakis, addressing the attendees.
Among the key speakers were, Αcademic Director and Program coordinator Prof. Nikoletta Tsitsanoudi – Mallidi, Head of Mcquarie Uni Modern Greek Studies Program Dr Patricia Koromvokis, Deans and University Professors from Greece, Cyprus, America and Australia, media partners and supporters, between them Greek Studies Foundation President Theofilus Premetis.
Representing Sydney’s Mcquarie University, Dr Koromvokis conveyed congratulations to the program’s organisers on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor of Macquarie University Professor S. Bruce Dowton, as well as the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts), Professor Martina Möllering, who expressed their gratitude for such initiatives “that are creative bridges” between some of the world’s renowned universities.
The presentation concluded with an inspiring quote from Prof. Tsitsanoudi – Mallidi.
“If we don’t involve young people in beautiful things; they will never become more beautiful,” she stated.
*For expressions of interest and more information please contact Head of Mcquarie Uni Modern Greek Studies Program, Dr Patricia Koromvokis on patricia.koromvokis@mq.edu.au or Prof. Tsitsanoudi – Mallidi on nitsi@uoi.gr
- Seventh International Summer University is an initiative proudly supported by The Greek Herald