Fuse Fest – Celebrating a Diverse and Connected World – takes place on Sunday, May 28 from 11am to 4pm in the Burwood Park Pavilion, Burwood Park in Sydney.
The event will feature multicultural stage performances – dance, music and song – as well as multicultural food, market stalls, activities and competitions for the whole family.
Fuse Fest is organised by Youth In Action, the youth group of The Greek Orthodox Parish and Community of Burwood and District Saint Nectarios, with generous support from Multicultural NSW through its Stronger Together Events and Festivals Grant, and Burwood Council.

Youth In Action will be raising funds on the day for Lucas Gardens School in Canada Bay, which provides educational programs for students with intellectual and physical disabilities, sensory impairments and complex medical conditions.
The fundraising target is $2,500 to support a project called Communication beyond the walls of the classroom. These funds will allow the purchase of four sets of iPads and software called proloqu2G to support student communication.

The majority of students at the school are non-verbal or have little speech and the aim of this project is for every child to have a voice. This specialised equipment will be used by the staff on playground duty and during community access programs to support children to communicate.

Through Fuse Fest 2022, Youth In Action raised $3,088 for the school – enabling the purchase of a Gravity Relaxation Chair to support students who use wheelchairs, giving them the opportunity to sit in a more comfortable position in the classroom during their school day.
Make a donation towards Lucas Gardens School’s Communication beyond the walls of the classroom project and help Youth In Action reach its target of $2,500 via the website.