The iconic Hellenic Hall in North Hobart, which is owned and operated by the Greek Community of Tasmania, is set to be upgraded thanks to a $70,000 grant from the newly elected Liberal Government.
The grant, which was announced by Tasmanian Attorney General, Elise Archer MP, prior to the election, will go towards relocating the men’s toilets at the hall and upgrading the women’s and disability toilets.

President of the Greek Community of Tasmania, Nick Theodoropoulos, tells The Greek Herald exclusively that the grant is welcome news as the upgrade is desperately needed.
“The men’s toilet is in ill repair and to reach it you have to go down these big stairs. It’s really awkward getting down there and we don’t want anyone to fall,” Mr Theodoropoulos says.

“So a $70,000 grant is fantastic for our Greek community. To raise that sort of money is difficult. We’re thrilled.”
The hall is an institution in the North Hobart area, with the Greek community and many other local multicultural groups holding weddings, christenings and community events there.

Mr Theodoropoulos says the community is excited to finally be able to slowly put their restoration plans into action.
“The plans have been drafted, so right now it’s just a matter of streamlining them. We would love to do a whole retrofit,” he concludes.