On February 10 this year, members of the Board of the Greek Community of Melbourne (GCM) had the opportunity to meet the new Greek Consul General, Mr Emmanuel Kakavelakis, as they hosted him at the Greek Centre.
Along with a tour of the Greek Centre, GCM Board members briefed the new Consul on the operations of the GCM. A particular focus was given to the upcoming events scheduled for the 1821 anniversary celebrations and the operation of the GCM’s education program.
On the 200th anniversary celebrations, committee co-chairs Professor Marinis Pirpiris and Michael Karamitos outlined the GCM commemorative program for the Consul.
They noted that after a challenging 2020 the effects of which are still very much being felt, the Organising Committee charged with curating the GCM’s commemorative program had developed a diverse, COVID safe year-long celebration.

READ MORE: Greek tennis star and new Greek Consul General in Melbourne attend Pancretan vasilopita event.
Noting that the program would commence in the coming week with the first in a series of special seminars, the first live event would be held on March 20 and 21 as the inaugural Lonsdale St Greek Music Festival. This would be followed by a feast day celebration that included a re-enactment of the raising of the revolutionary banner on Sunday, March 28 at the historic and recently reinstated Evangelismos church in East Melbourne.
Education committee members, Nick Dallas and Spiros Papadopoulos, briefed the Consul on the emphasis that the GCM places on its educational programs which range from Pre School through to partnerships with Victorian Universities.
The Consul was given a broad overview of the different education initiatives and Greek language
programs that the Community is involved in, while also stressing the ongoing challenges it faces.
An invitation was extended to visit some of the school campuses and personally meet with some
of the students, parents and teachers.

READ MORE: Victorian program for the 200th anniversary of Greek Independence Day released.
Jim Bossinakis and Leo Vlahakis also took the opportunity to brief the Consul on the GCM’s year
long cultural program which whilst intertwined in 2021 with the 200 Year Anniversary
celebrations, is still a significant undertaking.
Mr Vlahakis in particular mentioned the Community’s Seminar program and its Festivals which of course, include the Antipodes, Greek Film and Greek Writers Festivals amongst others.
The Consul General was effusive in his praise of “our endeavour and activity.”
It was pleasing to note that the Consul appeared well briefed on the community as a whole and
expressed a willingness to work with the GCM in its events and actions. The Consul advised
that he was available at all times in regards to matters which required Greek Government input
and that he was pleased with his posting to Melbourne. There is no doubt that the Consul brings
a wealth of experience to this posting.