Get ready to Wiggle while learning Greek


Australian children can explore Greek language and culture thanks to a landmark collaboration between South Australia’s Hellenic Studies Foundation and beloved children’s entertainment supergroup The Wiggles.

Learning Greek with Lucia’, which launches today, is an innovative new educational initiative which aims to inspire and encourage future generations of Greek language learners in Australia – and beyond.

The initiative has been funded with the help of a $2 million funding commitment made by the Malinauskas Labor Government before the last election to assist the Foundation with developing ways to teach modern Greek across early learning, primary, high school and tertiary levels.

‘Learning Greek with Lucia’ – hosted by new generation ‘Blue Wiggle’ Lucia Field, daughter of original Blue Wiggle Anthony Field – provides an immersive and interactive experience that celebrates the richness of Greek heritage, mixing the Wiggles’ trademark singalong musical numbers with interactive activities.

Established in 2005, the Hellenic Studies Foundation is dedicated to promoting Greek language and culture through innovative educational initiatives.

SA Member for West Torrens Tom Koutsantonis MP welcomed the collaboration.

“The Wiggles have helped redefine early learning and engagement for successive generations of children both in Australia and across the world, and this innovative collaboration with South Australia’s Hellenic Studies Foundation is a fantastic way to inspire new generations to engage with the Greek language and culture,” Minister Koutsantonis said.
“I congratulate the Foundation and Lucia Field on developing this program, which I’m confident will help strengthen cultural bonds for Greek Australians, which in turns enriches our broader cultural fabric.”




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