Remote and wild, Antarctica is a spectacular place that most people on Earth won’t ever get to. But this is not the case for Dani Yannopoulos who was appointed this season’s Station Leader for the Davis research station.
For a year, she will be stationed on the southernmost Australian outcrop in Antarctica—positioned about 20 kms from the edge of the continental ice sheet and will share a small village of shipping containers with around 40 scientists, tradies and technicians.

An employee with the Customs and Australian Border Force in roles spanning corporate, commercial and frontline operations for the last 21 years Ms Yannopoulos says she is ready for the challenge and looks forward to exloring the frozen continent.
”I particularly enjoy frontline operations, so when I saw the Australian Antarctic Division role, I thought it was the perfect combination for me working with new people, my sense of adventure, my love to travel and to do new things,” she says.

Originally from Canberra, she has lived in Sydney, Melbourne and Malaysia.
“It will be a real change of temperature from 33 degrees every day in Malaysia to the minus 30,” says Ms Yannopoulos and stresses that supporting science and protecting the environment is a key aim alongside fostering a strong station community.
“My job is to make sure that everybody has the environment they need to deliver on their projects, keep the station running, harmonious and have a great time.”
“I love having a team of people that think differently. This will be the first time that I’ve worked with tradies and scientists so that will be challenging for me.”
Dani Yannopoulos and the incoming Davis team have spent months training in preparation for the exciting year ahead.
While looking forward to new challenges and Antarctica’s incredible wildlife, there are a few comforts she will miss from home.
“I’m obviously going to miss my family and friends but I’m absolutely going to miss my hairdresser,” she said.
To keep track of Dani’s Davis Research Centre experience, check updates here.