On Saturday, December 10, the Reservoir Campus of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia “Aetolian College” held their end of year concert.
Students and staff had prepared outstanding performances including plays, songs, poems and dances. Students were very well-prepared by learning their lines for the plays, to the lyrics for the songs and steps to the dances. Parents and grandparents were amazed by all the presentations.

During the concert, Year 6 students had the opportunity to receive their Graduation Certificate for successfully completing their Greek language primary school education. Students were wished all the best as they move forward into secondary school.
Mrs Loukia Andrews, Campus Coordinator for Reservoir, thanked each of the families, parents and guardians for their support and assistance throughout the year.
As she mentioned: “Behind the success of our students are their supportive families.”

The end of year concert was attended by Father George Frangos and Natasha Spanos, Member of the Board of “Aetolian College.”
The special Christmas concert finished with a special visit by Santa Claus who gave lots of chocolates and lollies to all students.