The keys to Bexley Bowling Club in southern Sydney have been officially handed over to AHEPA NSW Inc during an OXI Day event on Friday, October 28.
This formal handover comes after Bayside Council approved AHEPA NSW’s plan to redevelop the site earlier this year.
At the event, AHEPA NSW President Bill Skandalakis received a set of cast iron keys from emcee and Secretary, Dr Panayiotis Diamadis – a symbol of the Greek organisation assuming responsibility for the site in Bexley North.

In turn, Mr Skandalakis presented the keys to the other driving forces of the Bexley Bowling Club project, Past President John Kallimanis and Properties Committee Chairman, Harry Fandakis.
Mr Skandalakis and Mr Kallimanis spoke about the Club as the new home of AHEPA NSW Inc, as the centre of its activities and as the focal point of its 90th anniversary celebrations in 2024.
“It has been a long time coming, with a number of difficulties,” Mr Skandalakis said in his speech.

“Today, as we honour the heroes of 1940, we inform our members and friends that while much work remains to be done, we are on track for a bright future for our children and for the broader Australian Hellenic community.”
Mr Kallimanis, during whose presidency the project commenced, said: “We thank all those who believe in and support this project, this dream of a new home for AHEPA NSW Inc. The parliamentarians, the councillors, and especially our members. Today, on the national day of Hellenism, our organisation has turned a page, in its 88th year, opening the next chapter of its history.”
READ MORE: AHEPA NSW honours OXI Day with special commemorative event.