


Inheritance and joint bank accounts in Greece

The inheritance Laws that are applicable in Greece are exclusively related with assets that are located in Greece.

Professor Anastasios Tamis: ‘Only the dead tell the truth’

Costas Simitis, as Prime Minister, and his team set up in eight years a new Greece, a new political world.

Life in Greece: As told by Zara Pirate

Just as how you wouldn't have six back-to-back piña coladas on a Monday morning at home, life in Greece is a little different in the off-season too.

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Inheritance and joint bank accounts in Greece

The inheritance Laws that are applicable in Greece are exclusively related with assets that are located in Greece.

Professor Anastasios Tamis: ‘Only the dead tell the truth’

Costas Simitis, as Prime Minister, and his team set up in eight years a new Greece, a new political world.

Life in Greece: As told by Zara Pirate

Just as how you wouldn't have six back-to-back piña coladas on a Monday morning at home, life in Greece is a little different in the off-season too.


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