Donation from Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia funds new school in Madagascar


The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia have made a generous donation, facilitating the construction of a new elementary, middle and high school in Madagascar.

The Diocese of Toliara and Southern Madagascar expressed their gratitude in an announcement, stating: “This donation is not only a material project, but is an act of love and giving to the children and families of our region, giving them the opportunity for a complete education. This school will become a beacon of knowledge, spiritual cultivation and development, offering our children the resources to build their future with values and hope.”

In a joyous ceremony, the new school year was inaugurated by Bishop Prodromos of Toliara and Southern Madagascar. The event was attended by teachers and students, who welcomed the beginning of the academic year with prayer and blessings.

Following the consecration, school supplies—including backpacks, notebooks, and pencils—were distributed to the children, supporting their educational journey and providing essential tools for learning.

“The contribution of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and Archbishop Makarios is invaluable, and their beneficence will remain etched in our hearts forever,” the announcement added.

“We hope that God will bless them and strengthen them in their valuable work, so that they can continue to offer support and light to people and communities in need.”




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