Samian community enjoy Sydney Harbour cruise


By Takis Triadafillou.

The Samian Brotherhood of Sydney and NSW ‘Lykourgos’ enjoyed a cruise on Sydney Harbour on Sunday, March 3. The cruise was intended to honour the integration of Samos with Mother Greece. 

In a speech on the day, Vice President of the Samian Brotherhood, Soula Gerasimou, thanked everyone for attending, including Publisher of The Greek Herald, Dimitra Skalkos, President of the Hellenic Lyceum Sydney, Liana Vertzayias, and President of Panachaian Philanthropical Association, Katerina Vetsikas.

Samian cruise
Samian cruise
All photos copyright: The Greek Herald.
Samian cruise

“The Samians played a decisive role in the union of Samos with Greece as they took advantage of the favourable circumstances and expressed with courage and determination the ideal of unity, which had been kept alive on the island for more than 80 years,” Mrs Gerasimou added.

“Samians are examples of dynamic and patriotic personalities who contributed to national unity and the historical vindication of Hellenism. We honour them and owe them our freedom.”

Samian cruise
Samian cruise
Samian cruise

President of the Samian Brotherhood, Emmanuel Valageorgiou also thanked all cruise attendees, and said Samians in Sydney celebrate the unification of the island with Mother Greece every year.

It was also mentioned that donations towards a hospital in Samos will be sent through at the end of March. 

Samian cruise
Samian cruise
Samian cruise

The rest of the day was full with joy, laughter, music and plenty of dancing. 

It was an opportunity for members to come together and remember the importance of unity and contributions of the Samian community in Sydney.




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