The Secretary of the Greek Orthodox Community of New South Wales (GOCNSW), Michael Tsilimos, has passed away.
Full statement from the GOCNSW in English:
The President and Members of the Board of Directors of the GOCNSW express their warm and sincere condolences to Michael Tsilimos’ wife Soula, his two children Stelios and Stavros and their respective wives Maria and Casey, and to his three grandchildren Chrysas, Chloe and Michaela.
Mr Tsilimos was a warm supporter of the GOCNSW and for many years a member of the Board of Directors, as Secretary, and actively participated in the affairs of the Community.
He emigrated to Australia in 1970 and worked in the Sydney Harbour as a painter and later acquired his own company.
He defended with strength and zeal the rights of immigrants and the working class in the workplace and fought for the relief of the daily problems of immigrant communities and stood by their side.
We will always remember him with respect and appreciation. May the soil that will cover him be light.
Have a good journey, eternal memory,
From the Board of Directors.