Salvage operation underway for ablaze Greek oil tanker in the Red Sea


Weeks after experiencing delays due to safety and security issues, a salvage tug has taken the burning tanker MV Sounion in tow, headed north through the Red Sea. The tug is being guarded by a task force of European warships.

The Greek-owned salvage tug Aigaion Pelagos has the still-burning tanker in tow while a second, smaller salvage tug is in the flotilla to assist the operation.

On August 21, the Greek-owned tanker MV Sounion was subjected to a series of attacks by Houthi forces, which resulted in severe damage and left the vessel adrift. The attackers struck the ship three times, crippling its engine and forcing the crew to abandon the vessel. The Houthi rebels returned to plant explosive charges on the deck, causing significant structural damage.

Salvors are now preparing to tow the MV Sounion to a secure location where they will focus on extinguishing the persistent fires. Despite the damage, initial assessments suggest that the ship’s structural integrity remains largely intact and it is maintaining an even keel.

There have been serious concerns over the potential environmental impact should the tanker explode or sink. The vessel is currently carrying 150,000 tonnes of crude oil which has the potential to cause dire circumstances for marine life and local fisheries in the Red Sea.

Source: Maritime Executive.




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