The President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, said on Sunday that the European Union’s tolerance of Turkey could bring about a military confrontation between Greece and Turkey.
“It should be understood that as long as the international community, as long as the EU – and I say this boldly – turn a blind eye, accept or tolerate Turkish behaviour it is like rewarding the bully who wants to be seen as a victim,” Anastasiades said during an anti-occupation event in Morphou.
“The behaviour of Mr Erdogan cannot be explained otherwise. It is the tolerance of Europe that allows it.”
According to Cyprus Mail, Anastasiades then warned that if the international community remains inactive, there was a risk of a new war between EU member states, “and that is when they will realise that their tolerance has brought disaster.”
Speaking to the media after the event, Anastasiades also said that diplomatic representations were being made to the UN and the EU over Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot side’s increased push to seek recognition of the breakaway state in the north.
Anastasiades said there was no question on the part of the Greek Cypriots of choosing the path of armed confrontation.
READ MORE: Erdogan says Turkey will reinforce its military presence in occupied northern Cyprus.
Source: Cyprus Mail.